Khairul & Nadia | The Wedding | 10 June 2011 | Senawang, Negeri Sembilan


Salam and good day everyone. it have been a while since my last entry. sorry for the delay though, hardly slept these days to finish off all the wedding albums and editting. ok this time is my best friend's wedding, Khairul & Nadia. Khairul ni kawan sekelas masa dekat SMKA Shams , Seremban dulu , dulu die yg paling steady single takde pon couple couple ni,tp last last die yg kawen dulu among all of our classmates (ke ade yg dah kawen tp x update uhuh)...pape pon, as usual, tahniah khairul & nadia, semoga kekal hingga ke akhir hayat. please make cute babies, kalau x komfem kene bahan dengan kimek nanti haha~

very beautiful wedding, simple, and very fast,( minus akad nikah yg la wakaka ) and yeah the outdoor session was awesome man! sangat cantik dan sgt enjoy keje dengan korang. tahniah again and enjoice!

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