A Package : RM3200*
Recommended for both sides wedding (Groom and Bride Side)
2 photographer
Coverage: Solemnization + Reception + Outdoor Session
Coverage: Solemnization + Reception + Outdoor Session
Album: 2 x Photobook 11'x15'
Free: DVD full copy pictures unlimited + 2 X 11R potrait pictures with frames
B Package : RM2200*
One side wedding event (Groom/Bride ONLY)
2 photographer
Coverage: Solemnization + Reception + Outdoor Session
Coverage: Solemnization + Reception + Outdoor Session
Album: 1 x Photobook 11'x15'
Free: DVD full copy pictures unlimited + 1 X 11R portrait picture with frame
Engagement/Kenduri/Birthday Party Package/Other events : RM900*
1 photographer
4 hours coverage
4 hours coverage
1 storybook album + DVD full copy pictures unlimited
* U can also book 1 photographer package, please contact me for further details. ( but I strongly recommend for using 2 photographers, more pictures, more angles, more creativity )
* Accommodation and transportation fees will be charged unless provided by customers. Depends on location and mileage.
Additional package if interested
- 1 event (one day 5 hours duration eg birthday party, kenduri kendara ,cukur jambul ,family day etc)
Free 1 DVD full copy ONLY (no album) : RM500
Free 1 DVD full copy ONLY (no album) : RM500
- 1 x Photobook 11'x15' = RM400
- Add more photographer = 1 photographer RM300 per event.
- Add more photographer = 1 photographer RM300 per event.
Terms & Condition, please read.
1. To book my service, simply contact me to discuss on the date, and simply put 20% deposit to lock the date desired. Those who unable to put any deposit will not be entertained. First pay first serve basis. Simple.
2. Anyhow, we can still negotiate depends on my wise discretion,especially close friends and relatives. thanks.
mohd haziq zakaria
diversity_87@yahoo.com (facebook,ym semua boleh)